You Don't Have to Go It Alone

July 31, 2024 Laura Nash, CFP®
West Financial Services employee playing pickleball

If I was a betting person (which I am not!) I would wager that everyone has felt lonely at least once in their life, if not more.  I remember after I graduated from George Washington University and later moved into my own studio apartment in Washington, D.C., I would experience bouts of loneliness, feeling alone as many of my friends from college moved away.  I would pour myself into work, go to the gym, and make plans to meet new people.  Sometimes it worked and other times it didn’t.  We all go through different phases in our life and have our own unique experiences in these phases.  As I have gotten older, and with my newfound freedom as an empty nester, I have had to reinvent myself multiple times over the years to overcome that feeling of loneliness.

Going from a full and busy house to living alone can feel lonely sometimes.  The same can be true for those experiencing divorce and widowhood.  Family and friends that you once relied on, may no longer be there.  It takes effort to overcome those feelings, to go for a walk, meet new people and connect with others.  Women especially spend a great deal of time taking care of others.  And when we finally have more time to ourselves, it can be difficult to shift gears, look inward, and determine what makes us happy.  We also have to ask ourselves that at this stage in our lives, who do we want to connect with?

One of my newfound passions is pickleball.  I was never a tennis player so it took some time to learn the game but now I am addicted and have found a great group to play with.  It’s a wonderful way to get exercise and it’s fun to get to know the other players and chat in between games.  I have made a few new friends and we have moved beyond the pickleball court to attending the theater and out for dinner.

Summer is a great time to reach out and connect with others. There are so many outdoor activities, whether hiking, biking, or being on the water.  If you can figure out what lights you up, then you can find a group that has the same interest.  When I am around others and have a meaningful conversation, more than “hi, how are you” and “isn’t it a beautiful day,” I know that I am not alone.

Meet Laura Nash, CFP® »

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