7 Keys to Navigating Market Volatility
Market volatility can be unsettling, especially when you see your investments fluctuating day by day. However, staying calm and sticking to a well-thought-out strategy can help you navigate these turbulent times effectively.
Do You Need a Family Financial Summit?
A Family Financial Summit might be a new concept for many of you, so let’s start by defining it before delving into whether or not you need it. Essentially, it’s a family meeting that allows for the sharing of financial values and goals.
Can I Hold NFTs in My IRA?
Lately, our clients have been asking if they can hold NFTs (non-fungible token) in their IRAs (Individual Retirement Account). It is a complex decision that depends on various factors. Here are some considerations to keep in mind.
Progress, Not Perfection
Back in May 2023, I wrote about investing in a dog’s mental health. Here we are, more than a year later and I thought I’d catch you up on how my dog’s own recovery journey is coming along.
First, some context for what we are dealing with. Our dog, Loki, is leash reactive to other dogs, has stranger danger, and is overall anxious with the world outside.
How Much Is Enough? Part One of a Series by Kristan L. Anderson, CEBS®, CFP®
It is a loaded question and one that changes depending on what need or want you are referring to. For that reason, we thought to tackle this discussion as a series, looking at different categories and how our perception of “enough” may need some more thoughtful intervention.
How To Subscribe Without Trying
It all started with magazines and the thrill I got with each delivery. There was a whole new world of information and potential to explore each month.
Foreclosure of a Dream
With so many Gen Zers moving into the work force and establishing long term careers, their focus starts to shift to the next symbol of adulthood – owning a home.
Series I Bonds Final Update: A Stocking Stuffer One Year, a Lump of Coal the Next
We wrote two articles in 2022 about Treasury Series I Savings Bonds, given their popularity that year.
Stop Kicking the Financial Plan Can
A few months ago, I realized that I needed some help. Between my husband and I working full time and trying to keep our three little girls safe, fed, and entertained, housework kept falling through the cracks. We were losing a battle to the “stuff” that was just piling up.