On Becoming a Data Analyst

By Kristan Anderson, CEBS®, CFP®

If you know anything about me, you know that I need two things to feel comfortable in most situations:  data and context.  Data provides the necessary information to understand circumstances, see patterns, and solve problems.

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The Creator Economy

By Matt Armendaris

When you think of an entrepreneur in America today, who do you think of? Bill Gates co-founding Microsoft, the largest and most successful software company in America, or maybe Oprah Winfrey, who had the highest rated talk show in America for almost 25 years?

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Can I Hold NFTs in My IRA?

By Rasti Nikolic, AAMS™, FPQP®

Lately, our clients have been asking if they can hold NFTs (non-fungible token) in their IRAs (Individual Retirement Account). It is a complex decision that depends on various factors. Here are some considerations to keep in mind.

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How Much Is Enough...Stuff? Part Two of a Series

Kristan L. Anderson, CEBS®, CFP®

There are definitely a few ways to approach the topic of how much (fill in the blank) a person needs. Another challenge is that the idea of paring down possessions and simplifying your life is not a particularly innovative topic.

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How To Subscribe Without Trying

By Kristan L. Anderson, CEBS®, CFP®

It all started with magazines and the thrill I got with each delivery. There was a whole new world of information and potential to explore each month.

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If You Can’t Touch It, Is It Really Art?

By Kristan Anderson, CEBS®, CFP® | Dir. Of Retirement Plan Services & Dir. Of Financial Planning

You know how your Apple iTunes library is not really music you own, even though you paid for it? Yet your vinyl collection somehow now has some appreciable value? Or did you ever collect baseball trading cards? And now you see that these cards exist in the digital world and are being traded at high values.

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Continued Growth in Cybercrime and Tips to Protect Against It

Mai Nguyen and John Kim

With continued advancements in the digital world, individuals have inevitably seen an increase in cybercrime.  According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, financial losses due to investment schemes rose more than 300% to $10.3 billion in 2022, compared to the previous high of $3.3 billion in 2021.

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Stereos, Records, & Cassettes

Laurie M. Kramer, CFP® »

I LOVE that I had the childhood that I did – playing outside for hours on end with little to no supervision, climbing on metal playground equipment, Saturday morning cartoons (Scooby Doo, Where Are You?) reading Nancy Drew books, and listening to Casey Kasem’s Top 40 countdown on the radio. I also had the benefit of growing up on a farm, so caring for the horses was among many things that I did to earn my allowance.

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In Support of Music

By Kristan L. Anderson, CFP®, CEBS®

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love music. I sent both of my kids through the School of Rock program from elementary school through high school. My daughter still works for them during her college breaks and is in a band, herself. So, I’m very interested in how music is made and shared, and how artists profit from their efforts over time.

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