Young at Heart

Last month we celebrated the day of my 40th anniversary with West Financial! How did that happen? To be honest, it hardly seems like it's been 40 years – and that is a gift. As I have aged, the clients have aged with me. We now have 95 clients aged 85 and older.
The oldest client I have worked with was 104, and was she a character! She always walked into the office on her own, telling jokes and stories. A few of the quips I had heard more than once, but who's counting. She was an inspiration for sure – a long life, well lived, reasonably healthy and happy. She may have been the oldest, but there are clients in their hundreds walking in right behind in her footsteps.
Over the years, and as our relationships evolved, I have noticed how the conversations have changed. The questions on how am I doing, what's up with the market, and what do I think about Social Security all remain. But the added years bring a different perspective to the conversation, sometimes fun, sometimes understanding, and sometimes fearful. The conversations are often broad ranging to include politics, global issues, health, and generational differences – often followed by, "Have you read any good books lately?"
The Society of Actuaries published a study on Retirement Experiences of People Age 85 and Over, which noted that people are living longer than previous generations, leading to concerns over how these older Americans will prosper as they age. Fortunately, the study found that older Americans were "flexible and resilient" and that for the aging, it was "easier to adapt to financial constraints than to physical limitations." They often need help with money management, but also driving, taking medication, scheduling appointments, and other household functions.
The financial assistance needed can be very broad. This includes the financial management that we provide, and also bill pay assistance (e.g., setting up service payments with the client's provided authorizations and instructions), fraud protection, monitoring their gifting, and from time to time, help with family interactions. We can help clients in many of these areas. Yet sometimes the need requires a higher level of support. Getting that support is not always easy. Options may include family, friends, churches, community groups, and sometimes the engagement of fee-based services. In every case, it is important to make certain that their legal documents are up to date and signed.
If interested, the study also provides Tips for Retirees and Their Advisors, Tips for Individuals Who are Helping Seniors, and Tips for Service Organizations and Employee Benefit Sponsors. If you would like a copy, it is available at:
I have learned a lot from our clients about aging and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. Clients are so different and the Washington area is full of highly educated, thoughtful, and successful individuals. But life is truly a balancing act, and families, social networks, and professional networks have been disrupted and changed with the pandemic. Aging is complicated and we only go through it once.
Important Disclosures
- West Financial Services, Inc. ("WFS") offers investment advisory services and is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the SEC nor does it indicate that the firm has attained a particular level of skill or ability. You should carefully read and review all information provided by WFS, including Form ADV Part 1A, Part 2A brochure and all supplements, and Form CRS.
- Certain information contained herein was derived from third party sources, as indicated, and has not been independently verified. While the information presented herein is believed to be reliable, no representation or warranty is made concerning the accuracy of any information presented. Where such sources include opinions and projections, such opinions and projections should be ascribed only to the applicable third party source and not to WFS.
- This information is intended to be educational in nature, and not as a recommendation of any particular strategy, approach, product, security, or concept. These materials are not intended as any form of substitute for individualized investment advice. The discussion is general in nature, and therefore not intended to recommend or endorse any asset class, security, or technical aspect of any security for the purpose of allowing a reader to use the approach on their own. You should not treat these materials as advice in relation to legal, taxation, or investment matters. Before participating in any investment program or making any investment, clients as well as all other readers are encouraged to consult with their own professional advisers, including investment advisers and tax advisers.