Long-Term Care

By Angel Irazola

Recently, we worked with a client with an aging mother living in the United States but who has health benefits in a different country. One of the client’s concerns was having to cover a potential health bill for his mother because the family would prefer she seek care in the United States rather than go back to her country to use her government issued health care.

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Tax Policy: The Next Political Battle

By Matt Cohen, CFP®, CIMA®

We’re in the midst of an election year that, according to polling, very few Americans are excited about. Those seeking relief from political debate will need to wait to the end of 2025 and perhaps beyond thanks to the expected political battle over the expiration of the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA).

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Financial Planning 101 – Naming a 401k Beneficiary

By Kristan L. Anderson, CFP®, CEBS®

In this installment of financial planning basics articles, we discuss an aspect of setting up and managing your 401k account that a lot of people ignore or don’t put a lot of thought into – beneficiary designations.

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Take Advantage of New IRS Rules

by Laurie Kramer, CFP®

I personally don’t believe in New Year resolutions – I think you can start doing something new, different, or better at any time that is right for you! Having said that, the beginning of the year is a great time to get a jump on managing your taxes.

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To Rent or to Buy?

By Victoria Henry, CFP®

When a client is moving for one reason or another, a common question we get is whether they should rent or buy their next place.

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Want a $2 Million IRA in 10 Years?

By Matt Cohen, CFP®, CIMA®

A core tenant in financial planning is to focus on the controllable. For most of our clients, how much they contribute to their savings while working, and how much they plan to spend in retirement, have the greatest impact on the success of the plan.

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