Best Places To Work For Financial Advisers 2021

In March 2021, West Financial Services was named one of the Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers by InvestmentNews based on workplace policies and practices, and satisfaction surveys that measure the employee experience.
*InvestmentNews: Best Places to Work For Financial Advisers
In order for firms to be considered for InvestmentNews’ list of Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers, they must meet the following criteria: (1) Be a registered investment adviser or an affiliated independent broker-dealer; (2) Be in business a minimum of one year; (3) Have at least 15 employees. Then they must register with and complete a survey that asks questions about the firm’s working environment, benefits, company culture and other key areas. The survey was developed by an outside consultant with the input of InvestmentNews and leading industry executives. Once the survey is completed, employees will be invited to fill out a survey that will get at what they really love about working at the participating firm. Their consultant will then independently combine the two surveys to come up with a final score that will determine whether the firm will be named one of the Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers. Firms do not pay a fee to be considered or placed on the final list of Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers. The only cost is to allow participating firms to view the employee feedback reports.